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Best MD8S Stainless


Best Make-up air damper MD8S Stainless 6 in. in Stainless



Ecofees included (if applicable)

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Interlocked make-up air dampers provide outside air, when required, to keep the air in the home fresher by allowing the range hood to operate at optimum levels.

Slave dampers are interlocked to the main automatic make-up air damper and open in unison for synchronized operation. They close, along with the main damper, as soon as the range hood is powered off. Slave dampers can be “ganged” together to provide a cost effective means to provide for higher volumes of make-up air
Interlocked make-up air damper systems meet IRC Code requirements for make-up air with range hoods over 400 CFM
Fresh air wall caps are required for use with Make-Up Air Dampers
  • Model


Total Dimensions
  • Total Height (In.)


  • Total Width (In.)


Boxed Dimensions
  • Boxed Height (In.)


  • Boxed Length (In.)


  • Boxed Weigth (lb.)


  • Boxed Width (In.)


While we do our best to ensure the accuracy of our data, errors can sometimes occur. We recommend reviewing the manufacturer's spec sheet to confirm colors and dimensions.